Elder Scott McDonald, full-time missionary in the Sierra Leone, Freetown Mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. He left on June 15, 2012, and will serve for two years. Scott is very loved and missed by his family and friends in Utah. This blog is to record experiences and photos to be shared with family and friends.
Monday, May 27, 2013
Driving thru Bo Sierra Leone
Scotty has been in Bo, Sierra Leone for quite a few weeks now...thought I would add this video just to give you an idea of the big city.
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Rainy Season Has Begun
I want to express my gratitude for the many people in my life who are always asking about Scott and his mission. Your love and concern for him has been a strength for me and my family. I am so proud of the incredible spiritual growth and maturity I have seen in Scott and believe that he is truly where The Lord wants him, and fulfilling the promises he has made before coming to this earth. Many of you have friends or family who are also serving as a true disciples of our Savior, for which I am so grateful. What other church if any has thousands of teenage boys and girls leaving their friends and family to serve without pay, and retuning as polished men and women? We are so blessed to have the gospel in more ways than we can ever imagine. My gratitude goes to each one of youbforbuour love and support for Scott and all the missionaries that are out dedicating their lives in the service of our Father in Heaven. May all of our missionaries be watched over and guided by the Holy Ghost, and fulfill their missions with honor. My prayers are with each one.
Dear Mama,
This week has been a very nice week. We have had some interesting experiences this week.
To start out this week I had to have 3 exchanges, and I spent everyone out of my area. So the week flew and I hardly saw my investigators. But it was fun at the same time. Get to know more of the missionaries personally.
We had so many good lessons and have been able to help people come closer to our Heavenly Father. We are preparing many people for baptism these next 2 weeks.
The rainy season is now beginning. I absolutely love the rain. Get to be completely soaked while out proselyting. I think I am going to forsake my rain gear besides my boots and just soak to the bone each day. Otherwise you will overheat in that rain gear. The humidity level is soaring back up. You can just feel it. But this week was the first time in a long time to go out in boots.
On an exchange this week Elder Arikpo and I were at one of his investigators house and she made us sit down so she could give us food really fast. But she said it wasnt quite ready yet. A couple minutes later she brought us the food and it was pretty good a normal rice and plassas. But there was some meat in there which appeared to be beef. I went to eat it and as I took my first bite it tasted very strange I thought it was not finished. But it was not bad it turned out to be some bush meat, it is this small deer that they catch out in the jungle. But I am happy I did not eat much. I am doing fine, but Elder Arikpo was not feeling great the next day.
I actually was shedding some tears Friday morning. A young boy named Dulai, in whom I love very much who was always goofing around at the apartment, and who we were very close. He would always sing me this song, "Elder McDonald, Elder McDonald, no wan le yu go, yu wan le ay go?" But it turns out he finally took off, him and his mother have traveled to the village. He told us Thursday evening that he was going Friday morning. But I did not really believe him, he has been saying he would go for a long time now. But Friday morning we took a couple pictures. Then a bit later I just hear " Elder McDonald, ay de go!" I ran outside to watch him walk off with several people all toting a lot of stuff on their heads. I was chokin up. But finally he ran all the way back to me and I froze. I wanted to say something but I couldn't. Then right before I gave him a hug he ran off. I called him back but he kept going.
So I can just pray for him now. Sure do miss him. So I know in the next life.
Sounds like there is a lot going on at home. I love hearing about everyone. I am happy you got to see many people. I cannot believe Kaitlan is already about to go. Time is flying.
Yearning for the Living God is the book I read, one of the ones Grandadddy gave me. I love that book too much. Dad recently read it as well. In a few months ago President Roggia spoke of it in Zone Conference, more particularly the part of exorcism. In fact speaking of that, recently this woman asked us to come pray for her daughter. And we are not sure what is wrong with her. The girl is conscious and can understand, but she is stuck in a sort of fetal position without external help and she cannot speak or open her eyes. The woman is not sure or maybe does not want to tell us the cause of the problem. But it does not seem like a sickness, we gave her a blessing but something is not correct with her.
But the book is wonderful. I really look to Enzio Busche as a role model and all his wonderful experiences.
But I hope all is well at home. Love ya Mama,
Love your son,
Elder McDonald
Monday, May 6, 2013
Excited for Mothers Day phone call
Next month, Scott will be out for an entire year. I am amazed how fast the time has gone by. I thought it would drag on, but it makes such a difference when I am able to get his letters on a weekly basis. He will have quite the journal blog when he returns home. I miss you so much Scotty!
I am so happy to hear from you. You sound to be doing very well. I am glad to hear about Justin and Jared. But most especially about Amy, Jaron and the kids. What they need now is really to be building back relations with the family, wherever their religion takes them for now. I am happy that you are now able to release much of the stress.
Dear Mama,
This week has been very nice in Sierra Leone. This weekend we had 2 wonderful baptisms and confirmations. Two young men named Charles and Edmond. They are doing so well in the church, particularly Edmond. He has been reading his Book of Mormon like crazy. He loves to study and learn more. The other night he called and asked me where he can find the book of Moses, he was relieved to know he can order it at church.
But I am very astounded at his testimony and the joy he has been receiving. The day of his baptism that evening, he called us just to greet and wanted to tell us how great of a day it has been. So he has now received the Priesthood and is looking to magnify it as much as he can.
We have been teaching sweet people recently. We have these 2 young men who have been giving us an entire bag full of mangoes every time we come. But in investigators class on Sunday, our mission leader wanted to talk on the Gift of the Holy Ghost. But it ended up in us missionaries needing to convince everyone that God has a body of flesh and bones. But these 2 young men were being very difficult, we used much from the Bible. But when we arrived to their house that evening we asked them about their book of Mormon reading and praying, they know the book to be true and believe Joseph Smith to be a true prophet. So after talking about the Nature of God for a long time. I simply shared D&C 130:22 and they then completely believed. Oh the wonderful restored truths.
But time is going so fast here. We are already almost half way done with this transfer and then I will probably leave Njaie Town. But who knows.
But I hope to hear more from you next week in fact on Sunday. I hope you are able to get everything figured out for the phone call.
Love your son
Elder McDonald.
Elder McDonald.
He is such a natural with children, they all love him. She is a beautiful girl. |
It amazes me how the people there carry everything on their heads |
The Gospel of Jesus Christ Brings Us Peace
I look at these young men in awe -- every one filled with the Holy Ghost, and so close to our Savior |
Dear Mama,
Do not worry, after reading your email I actually feel very peaceful. I hope you are not stressed not hearing from me yesterday. But it was a Sierra Leone National Holiday yesterday. So all places were closed up.Elder McDonald
Why not be smiling....they were somehow able to get some ice cream and ate the whole thing! Scotty with his companion, Elder Jones, who is from Kaysville, UT. |
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