The Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
Sierra Leone
July 23, 2013
Sister Jensen:
I am pleased to inform you that Elder McDonald
has been recently been called to be a
Zone Leader in the Kissy Zone of the Mission. His primary responsibilities as a
Zone Leader are to (1) not only do administrative work but to be the best
example of how to find, teach and baptize regularly. This will require
him to be very well organized because in addition to the regular proselyting
duties he is called to be a leader and senior administrator to the missionaries
in the zone; (2) as a Zone Leader he shall teach all missionaries the
principles of Preach My Gospel. He should earnestly seek the spirit to
guide him on how best to teach and inspire the missionaries during zone
meetings, and in visits to district meetings and companionship exchanges; (3)
he will also need to be the best example of any missionary in the zone in
obeying the mission rules; (4) As a Zone Leader he will also interview
baptismal candidates who have been taught by the district leaders in the zone.
This is a sacred responsibility to be attended to with all diligence; (5) responsible for all reporting in the Zone;
(6) Your son will work closely with local priesthood leaders and members in a
friendly, cordial manner. Meet monthly with the District President in his zone.
He needs to help the Church grow from centers of strength and help priesthood
leaders to support him in this regard; (7)
He will need to lead with love and righteousness – apply Doctrine and Covenants
121:34-36 in his leadership style. Look after the well being of
missionaries in the zone.
He has been called as a Zone Leader because he is a great missionary and the Lord is pleased with his desire to serve and honor him. His exemplary conduct and selfless service as a missionary have qualified him for this important call. As Zone Leader he must make it a primary concern to set a Christ-like example of hard work for the missionaries that serve under him especially in his proselytizing labors.
You are also reminded that missionaries love to hear from both families and ward members. We encourage you to write often. It always gives the missionaries a lift to get a letter from home. It is easy to send it through the church pouch by addressing it to him at the Sierra Leone Freetown Mission. He should have informed you of the newly created procedures regarding the pouch. All letters must be an individual sheet of paper folded into thirds, taped together, and having the address written on the outside of the paper in order for the letter to be sent. If not as described, they will return the letter back to you, due to certain restrictions put on the pouch system by the governments of the various countries to which the pouch is sent. You can send a normal letter directly to us by addressing it to him at the Sierra Leone Freetown Mission, P.O. Box 263, Freetown, Sierra Leone, West Africa. We hold the mail here for them until someone goes to his area. Of course he may use email, which they are allowed to do in this mission.
Thank you for sharing him with us! We are sure he will continue to be a great missionary! We do love our missionaries. The Lord’s hand is on West Africa today. This is a special mission.
He has been called as a Zone Leader because he is a great missionary and the Lord is pleased with his desire to serve and honor him. His exemplary conduct and selfless service as a missionary have qualified him for this important call. As Zone Leader he must make it a primary concern to set a Christ-like example of hard work for the missionaries that serve under him especially in his proselytizing labors.
You are also reminded that missionaries love to hear from both families and ward members. We encourage you to write often. It always gives the missionaries a lift to get a letter from home. It is easy to send it through the church pouch by addressing it to him at the Sierra Leone Freetown Mission. He should have informed you of the newly created procedures regarding the pouch. All letters must be an individual sheet of paper folded into thirds, taped together, and having the address written on the outside of the paper in order for the letter to be sent. If not as described, they will return the letter back to you, due to certain restrictions put on the pouch system by the governments of the various countries to which the pouch is sent. You can send a normal letter directly to us by addressing it to him at the Sierra Leone Freetown Mission, P.O. Box 263, Freetown, Sierra Leone, West Africa. We hold the mail here for them until someone goes to his area. Of course he may use email, which they are allowed to do in this mission.
Thank you for sharing him with us! We are sure he will continue to be a great missionary! We do love our missionaries. The Lord’s hand is on West Africa today. This is a special mission.

B. Ostler, President
Leone Freetown Mission