Monday, August 13, 2012

Tomorrow is 2 Month Mark

As always, I look forward to Monday mornings because I get a letter from my boy!  He sounds so amazingly well which brings me a lot of joy and peace.  I can't believe that two months have gone by already and how much he has grown.  He is spending at least an hour of study each day, but wishes he had more time.  He expressed to his dad that he regrets not using his free time wisely by studying the gospel more.  He says there is so much he wants to learn and one hour a day is not enough time.  It's amazing how quickly these boys turn into men, and are able to see what life truly is all about.  I am so stinkin proud of him, and very happy that he is eating!  So, enjoy his letter and write him if you like.   I wish I had more pics to put up, but that doesn't seem to be so easy for him to do.  

Dear Mama,
I just received Dads package in the mail yesterday! I am very gladdy to get it. All packages are sent to the same place, just the mission home I believe, nothing comes to my apartment directly. I am so glad to hear you are done with math. I am not having to much trouble with the heat actually. That one email when I was complaining about the heat was when I had my fever. I do not know what R & R is though? That is sweet that the kids have a bike trail, I am sure they love it. I want you to send me some pictures of them or the ones we took with them right before I left. You should be able to email me some. I cannot watch videos though.

So today is the first day of the transfer. Just finished my first transfer and I am half way through my training. I have been in the field for 6 weeks already. Time is going fast. I wonder if time is going fast for all of you out there. Tomorrow will mark 2 months since I left. Things are going really well in the field. We should have a good amount of conversions/baptisms this transfer.  That is sweet that granddaddy is coming out.

So I got a letter from Breck, but for him and Lorenzo I think it will be easier to email. So tell those nerds to check their emails and email me back. So when did Cameron see Kaitlan at Bear Lake. They said something about Bear Lake in the letters but I was almost under the impression she went with them. Send em some texts or something. So where is Tommy Henrie going on his mission? That is cool to hear.

So I didn't actually have to eat the soup, I wanted to try it. But I am actually really liking a lot of the food we get when we get our FMs(Free Meals). We got a lot this past week. I can promise you I am not having a lack of food. I am worried I am going to start gaining wait because I actually eat very big meals and I pack my self to brim each time. So I think my stomach is expanding or something because I can eat a ton. It all started in the MTC. They fed us too much.

The package Dad sent is wonderful. American food sure tastes better out here than it did in America. I will probably get fat when I finish my mission, because I will eat everything. So just send the package to the normal place that I gave before I left. The mission office. I do not know the details on the best way to send a package so you will have to look into it. But I sure like those foods in there. Send me a lot of soy sauce because that will be really nice to put on rice. Love you, ya nerd.
Love Elder McDonald

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