I wrote Scotty and told him all about Lorenzo's farewell yesterday, and attached a few pictures so he could see all of his friends again, and feel like he was still a part of their lives even though he is so far away. Scotty's absence is felt by so many, and yet, his presence in Africa is changing so many lives. As you read Scott's letter, you will see that he have been given a rare opportunity, of which I am so thrilled and proud of. I just think of how much he has accomplished and how much he has grown, and he is still in training. I cannot fathom the growth and experiences he will yet have.
Scotty has made a request about emails. You will see it at the bottom of his letter. He really wants to hear from you and will write you back. And hopefully, next week he will be able to send some pictures.

Dear Mama,
I am so happy to see all of the pictures from Lorenzo's farewell. I am so excited for him, it literally feels like I was just where he is now. I am glad to hear that everyone around there is doing so well. I cracked up seeing Justin in the back of all the friends at Lorenzo's farewell.
And I know that Jared does not have a GF, I know this girl has been bribed in one way or another. Jared is much to nerdy to talk to girls yet. :P
This week has been sweet. We had a couple baptisms on Saturday, they are going to be some strong members. I hope they will be able to continue to develop in the Church. I have some pictures but I do not have time to send them. So hopefully next week.
So this Friday we will be having a combined Zone Conference. I am very excited. We are having Elder Sitati, the only African in the 1st quorum of the 70 come and speak to us. I have actually been asked to sing a solo. They have asked me to sing Joseph Smith's First Prayer. What are the chances huh? So that will be so sweet.
I now only have 2 weeks left of my training. Then I will be a fully trained and capable missionary. And then my area is splitting as well so I am excited to see how things are going to work out.
So I have not gotten the package yet but I will be expecting. It takes a long time to receive anything out here. So you have to be patient. And sometimes the things can sit in the mission office for a while until someone can get there to get them.
Hehe Mom, you better be careful after your surgery. With your clumsiness you do not want to ruin your brand new and improved bladder. But it will be good. Show your pants some mercy.
I also pray Justin can receive the job, he needs a break. But anyways I love all of you. And everyone take care. And technically I am not allowed to receive email from people outside of family. So mama I need you to urge people to send letters so I can write them. Emails will be a bit more difficult.
Love Elder McDonald
The cars made with sardine cans and tires are bottle caps, held together with nails as the axle. He looks very proud of his creation. (http://mmlauritz.blogspot.com/) |
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