Another letter from mi pikin! I love Monday's because I get to hear from Scotty. His letters are the highlight of my week. I am so happy that he is working so hard and doing so well. He seems to really be embracing the work and gaining some great work ethics. Scotty has never been one to work super hard at anything except sleeping and playing, so he is learning a whole new way of living. I will post his letter....still waiting on some pictures to soon as I get some, I will let you all know. Don't forget to write him through
Dear Mama,
It sure sounds like you have become quite the druggie. I seem to hear
about all your mistakes you make when you are on your highs. But I am
glad things are going well back home.
Mam, you dont call me "Yo Pikin". You should say Mi Pikin.
So I noticed on the blog you left in my baptisms... and the part where
I said to remove it.... Were you on yo pills mom?! Do not worry though
I am not bothered. But I do not want to be seeming to brag on the
So this week has been sooooo busy. My area has split into 3. And now
my companion and I have almost no investigators. Sooo we have been
contacting new people everyday and it is not easy. Not easy at all!
But I know the work will go well as long as we use the Spirit and work
as hard as we can. This last week I have been working harder than I
ever thought was in me. But I am also training.
I received the wonderful Elder Hovley. He is fresh from MTC. He comes
from Centerville. I am so excited for him in how he is just beginning
to witness the miracles in mission. I know together we will be able to
do great wok hea de na Rokel. But me ah de rayt only smol no mor tude.
I laughed when I saw you say you know I have been working hard because
my letters are getting shorter.
As I am out here longer I do not have much to say about Africa
anymore. To be honest when I first was coming out and when I first got
out I was mostly excited about the Africa aspect. But now almost every
thought is directed towards di wok. I realize I do not always have
much to say. But I am so overwhelmed each time I try to think of what
to write because there are so many experiences. I am even having a
hard time keeping up in my journal. It truly is a busy life. But I
have gone beyond my own strength and energy. I keep getting out each
day and the drive and energy is certainly not coming from my self.
But mama I hope all things continue well at home. I hope your bladder
problems get solved. And I really liked everything in the package,
send me more yo. I really loved the pudding especially. I would love
more chocolate it is easy to make. And candy corn and oreos and all I
loved it so much. But I want you to know I de do great. Mission is
changing me so much. And I am so glad for it. I am excited for Jared
when he receives the same opportunity. But mama I gee yu adu. An di
fambo dem, grit em gee wi. (PS when you read the krio, the letter i
makes the e sound).
Love yo bobo, Elda McDonald
There are lots of shacks with grass roofs in the interior part of Sierra Leone.